Charles J. Starnes

Charles J. Starnes
Born April 26, 1912
Died November 25, 1993
Nationality USA
Significant projects Writer of extensive articles on philatelic subjects
Significant awards Luff Award
APS Hall of Fame

Charles J. Starnes (1912–1993), of Michigan, was an active student of postal history and a prolific writer of philatelic articles.


Philatelic activity

Starnes created significant collections of postal history, with emphasis on covers as opposed to postage stamps. He was particularly interested in foreign mail usage. His impressive and important collection of postal history of United States Department stamps was stolen and never recovered.

Philatelic literature

Charles Starnes was a prolific writer, and, in 1982, he published United States Letter Rates to Foreign Destinations, 1847 to GPU-UPU, which he later revised and updated in 1989. He was one of the editors of the Chronicle of the U.S. Classic Postal Issues, and was responsible for the Foreign Mails Section.

Honors and awards

Charles Starnes was named to the American Philatelic Society Hall of Fame in 1995. He received the Luff Award for Distinguished Philatelic Research in 1986.

See also
